Nationwide Cleaners Franchisee Case Study
Nationwide Cleaners, one of the UK’s premier domestic cleaning and ironing franchises, is offering you the opportunity to earn a fantastic living operating your own cleaning franchise.
This flexible, work from home, white collar, management franchise in the home help industry is providing you with the chance to grow your business with low overheads and risk all with a full money back guarantee*.
We hear some honest feedback from one of Nationwide Cleaners newest franchisees, Alex.
“Things are going really well and I am really genuinely enjoying myself. Have had quite a few payments in and starting to take on more cleaners now.
Made a few mistakes by being eager but I will definitely not make them again!
Had a few more payments come in since the last email and almost turned over £1,000 in my first month, so I am really excited!
I have given the other franchisees a text on whatsapp to introduce myself and they have added me to the group chat.
I will contact the top franchisees as much as possible! I have put up adverts for Ipswich and Stowmarket and had two enquiries already!
So I will be calling them up today to screen them, very exciting!
Thank you for all your help and support.