10 Steps For Achieving A Work Life Balance
10 Steps to achieving a better work-life balance and financial freedom
by Jeff & Jean Drew, Founders of Life Choices Global.
About Jean & Jeff
Jeff – “I came from a business background running hotels and sports and leisure businesses in Sussex and Cornwall in the UK and also a series of franchises prior to setting up this business. Great money but 18-20 hour days, 7 days a week and lots of stress.
My children were young so I wanted to spend more time with my family and to be financially secure and have a life.
We now live in a beautiful home in the sun in Spain and get so much pleasure helping our business partners across the world achieve their goals of lifestyle and income”.
Jean – “I was at a place I didn’t want to be in my life, but what were the options…
? Change career – no – still the same challenges.
? Work less hours – no – less pay (and not really possible anyway).
? Start a traditional business – no – too unknown and too risky.
? Buy a franchise – no – still too risky and paying to work for someone else!
Since setting up our business over 20 years ago, we’ve lived a Life of Choices by directly helping hundreds and indirectly thousands of people just like you, to do the same”.
Here we detail the “10 Steps to achieving a better work-life balance and financial freedom”.